Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lucas Loves His Daddy

This morning, for the first time, Lucas cried when his dad left for work. We did the ceremonial good-bye hug, kiss and wave, and after Daniel shut the door behind him Lucas started wailing -- the same kind of tantrum-ish cry he does when we take something away from him that he really wants (e.g., power cords).

I thought maybe he was tired and that it was just coincidence that Lucas started crying when Daniel left for work, but when Daniel got home tonight around 9 p.m., Lucas woke up elated to see his father. And he screams every time Daniel leaves the room. If I go in to calm him, Lucas looks over my shoulder expectantly watching the door for Daniel's re-entrance. It's after 10:30 and Lucas still hasn't gone back to sleep.

Guess we're entering the separation anxiety stage. So glad I'm not the one leaving for work anymore!


Justin, Amy, and Grace said...

Isn't it sweet to see how much our babies love their daddy's? Claire is the same way. She LOVES Justin and doesn't want me anywhere around when he is home. Today in Sunday School Justin was in interviews for most of the class, but when he finally stepped in and Claire saw him she made a b-line for him saying "daddy, daddy, daddy." There was a collective, "Awwww..." from the class.

Hilary said...

pretty sure my kids are all going to love AJ more than me. must be the beard...